Pharma-Connected CDC War on Public Health
Flu/covid jabs are all about destroying health, not protecting and preserving it, as fake news reports falsely claim.
The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should be renamed Centers for Spreading and Promoting Disease because of what’s going on.
The Pharma-controlled agency is hostile to public health — proved by its litany of bald-faced Big Lies about all things flu/covid.
On Tuesday, it defied science with the following guidelines, falsely saying:
“If you are fully (jabbed for flu/covid), you can (safely) participate in” public spaces as before (sic).
“To maximize protection from the delta (scariant that’s virtually no different from other flu/covid strains), wear a mask indoors in public” — that doesn’t protect and risks respiratory harm from longterm use.
“Wearing a mask is most important if you have a weakened immune system or if, because of your age or an underlying medical condition, you are at increased risk for severe disease (sic).”
If exposed to viral droplets when masked, they penetrate them — wearers inhaling them in concentrated form because masks are porous to prevent suffocation.
Flu/covid jabs “are effective at protecting you from getting sick (sic).”
Polar opposite is true. Toxic jabs produce illness, not wellness.
They irreversibly harm health, what they’re designed to do as part of a diabolical US/Western mass-extermination plot.
Fully jabbed people can resume normal “daily activities (sic).”
Wellness depends on staying unjabbed, along with following an overall healthy lifestyle.
“You should still get tested 3-5 days after international travel (sic).”
If around someone tested positive for flu/covid, “you should get tested (within) 3-5 days (sic).”
“You should also wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until your test result is negative (sic).”
“You should isolate for 10 days if your test result is positive (sic).”
Nearly all positive PCR tests for flu/covid are false — because of how administered that’s all about manufacturing elevated numbers of the viral illness that don’t exist to fear-monger mass-jabbing with health-destroying toxins.
Flu/covid jabs “are safe and effective at preventing” the viral illness (sic).”
Polar opposite is true, what the CDC and other US/Western public health agencies suppress in cahoots dark forces in Western countries and Pharma profiteers.
“Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully” jabbed.
According to peer-reviewed science, over 60% of flu/covid ill people were jabbed for protection not gotten.
“When these infections occur among (jabbed) people, they tend to be mild (sic).”
Reality is polar opposite the fabricated claim — based on pseudo-science, not the real thing.
Updated CDC guidance to protect against the delta scariant — including for tests that don’t work and harmful mask-wearing — suppresses what everyone needs to know.
All flu/covid strains are virtually alike. Claims otherwise are fake science.
Virtually everything reported about flu/covid by US/Western dark forces, the CDC, other public health agencies, Pharma and their media press agents are state-approved bald-faced Big Lies and mass deception.
The CDC also falsely “recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to schools, regardless of (jabbing) status (sic).”
Virtually all of the above defies science with diabolical aims in mind.
US/Western regimes and their public health handmaidens are enemies of ordinary people everywhere — wanting them harmed and eliminated in unparalleled numbers.
All vaccines are hazardous to health. None protect as falsely claimed.
Mass-vaxxing with fast-tracked, experimental, inadequately tested flu/covid ones are all about destroying health, not the other way around.
A Final Comment
America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) are in the vanguard of protecting public health from dark forces wanting it destroyed.
On Wednesday, it exposed details of Pfizer’s diabolical contractual agreements with governments in nations where their toxic flu/covid jabs are in use.
What former Pfizer chief scientist for allergy and infectious diseases/current AFLDS chief science officer Dr. Michael Yeadon called “most stunning” is the following clause: Continue…