Q: where's the line between seeing patterns and just going off on a conspiracy theory train, because i think sometimes they attract overlapping audiences?
A: You're right you're absolutely right. So the way to do the way to see the difference is first of all the pattern is pointing towards God. The pattern is not pointing down, and so a lot of people who get really caught up in conspiracy theory, they see the patterns as pointing towards events and they're trapped in these events rather than seeing theโฆ so you can you rather than seeing, understanding, that the patterns that what they're actually doing is actually pointing us towards towards God. And so that's one thing. The second thing is that once you see a pattern in in something you always have to verify it at different levels. And so if i think if i'm watching a movie and i think i see a pattern, then i have to ask myself okay where else do i see this pattern? Like is there is it somewhere else? Is it in scripture? Is it in other stories? Is it is it, uh, you know, can i find it at different levels? Is it true at a social level? Is it true at a personal level? Is it true at a cosmic level? So you have to be able to verify the pattern. You think you were seeing at different levels of reality, and so if you're able to do that that'll also help you to not focus on the instantiations of the pattern. It'll help you not focus on seeing signs as as pointing towards events, rather than seeing signs that's pointing to us to what God is trying to show us about about reality. So, and i'm not saying there aren't any conspiracies, obviously the conspiracies exist, but i, i've seen the same thing where a lot of people, they, they get obsessed with events in the world and they, their, their eyes are always focused on what's going on here, and that to be honest a lot of that stuff you can't do much about. And so if you end up being obsessed with that then it will eat you up. It'll devour you and we need to rather seeโฆ You can see the signs of the times but also understand that this is part of the story. Christ told us this is part of the story and you need to keep your eyes up, and not be obsessed with finding all the intricacies of the of the devil below. That doesn't, that doesn't lead you into good places.
Keep fighting the good fight, but remember to look up. A little prayer you might find helpful.
Angel of God,
My Guardian Dear,
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side,
To light and guard,
to rule and guide.
When mockery is your only argument, use it to the best effect you can.
Out of curiosity, do you have any arguments? What you said is incoherent blather.