Some notes on Nazis. The word Nazi was created by a Jewish communist. It was to avoid the word socialist in the name of the National Socialist German Workers Party, NSDAP. The NSDAP had similar goals to the Communists at the time, such as nationalizing key industries. The difference in these ideologies was that the Communists listened to Moscow, Comintern, and the Nationalists sought their own way, a national one. Germany first. This was unacceptable to the DS. England had already introduced the term Made in Germany a few years before WWII to keep the English from buying German products. The opposite was the case. Made in Germany became a trademark for good quality. Churchill once said that the real reason for the war against Germany was because of the strong German economy. You can't compare those times with today. But it is interesting to see how the media of that time worked together against Hitler even before the Second World War broke out. Germany was cut off from the financial markets. What does Germany do? Germany introduces barter trade. German machines for South American fruits, for example.
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