Trump announced class action lawsuit on 7/7/2021, which is :48 on the Q clock.
There are 4 posts that literally mention the class action law suit: 830, 1102, 1104 and 1105
830 is located at :26
the other 3 are located on :03 which is +15 min delta from :48 (per post #455)
Post 830 is -22 from :48 BUT has the 11.3 marker on the inside.
22 is interesting because of 11.11.
Post 830 mentions Eric Schmidt (ES).
Post 1546 also mentions ES. This post is located at :13, which is +10 delta from posts 1102, 1104 and 1105.
Post 1546 also mentions [J C]. J = 10 and C = 3, together is 13 which is the exact amount of minutes between the two ES drops that are in this graphic.
Sorry for the large image. The clock is huge and I'm not skilled enough to find a reasonable solution for that.