>>14081113 (lb)
u retarded?
Yes vibration then sound is the first evidence of a creator/creation, sound separating from silence, first separation. Being 'cast out of heaven' the mind(space).
Light from darkness, symbolized by 'the word' the Vishuddha charka, the priest white collar.
the darkness, the void, the abyss, and the sound (to light, etc) produced within it- the field and manifestation of creation.
from sound wave to light, to heat, vapor, cloud, water, clay, man etc. becoming more fixed and physical
creation on its course. How thought manifests by increasing in frequency to transcend phase. hertz. Frequency of the universe is tredecillion hertz. 10^42. 42.
Morans need go back and eat 17000+ breds. lurk moar.
>>14081131 (lb)
>Is there a spirit world
You ARE mind/spirit. this awareness experiences feelings, has a vessel. but (you) are not physical. you are awareness.