Eric Holder didn't age well.
That's right. August 31 2008, just like his queen promised.
Stalin told Eleanor Roosevelt that Churchhill poisoned FDR.
Eleanor Roosevelt told JFK.
The reason is clear. Churchhill meant to reneg on the deal he made with FDR that got the US into WW2. Considering what the FR cocksuckers and their UN cronies have dragged us through ever since, use your imagination why they had to kill FDR, JFK and RFK.
C_A never worked for US.
Good for them. I hope they know mandarin.
I'm not against him because he's a jew. I'm against him because he is a Traitor and a gangster.
While Dems are Outright Traitors, Patriots' Ignorance Can Also Kill Us
They are going after the homeless and care facilities first.
Too little. Too late. What are they afraid of? We know what are they afraid of. America.