Surely you jest anon!!! kek
We all know what that means.
Just even seeing that pict of this spaqn of satan holding that little Flag is enough to make a full grown, mature Skunk vomit all over the place. This devout Catholic. She's prayerful you know. What a evil, sorry excuse for a sub human.
From what I understood, that raid never happened.
That would depend on that liddle, timid, mouse Merrick Garland launching that. You know he's not going to take out a fellow traveler.
>How can a person repent if they do not recognize that they have sinned?
To the modern day progressive/communist, there is no such thing as God therefore there is no such thing as sin as it is a act that God disapproves of. Ths is the staple of Post Modernism. Moral relativism.
There is no good, no bad, no right, no wrong, no morality, no immoralityl. It all "just is". This mindset of course ignores what we see all around us. God's creation. It makes no common sense, defy's logical and rational thinking that all we see and know about in our universe…………………..just happened. One, big coincidence. A oneoff.
Thus, the conundrum for the modern day liberal. In order to bring about this enlightened mindset the Post Modernist will elevate and side with all that is bad, wrong and immoral and contrary, oppose, tear down and destroy all that is good, right and moral in the belief that eventually, all meets in the middle and people will not believe in anything. Period. The act of a good Samaritan is judged to be no better, no worse than the act of a pedophile. Everyone will have their own truth. Then and only then does this cult believe that the world "can live as one". Imagine………………………that.
They have to resort repeatedly, back to Jan 6th. It's all they have to paint that relatively calm "insurrection", a non armed insurrection as being on a par with nearly 3000 dead at the hands of islamic terrorist on 9-11. Trump ordered it!!!! Worse attack on democracy ever seen in this country.
Any conscious person knows this is absolute bullshit. These people are in the most defined sense of the word, Traitors. Perpetrators fo Treason. And there sits our top generals in our military. A bunch of WOKE, useless as tits on a boar faggots who pay moar attention to putting our Armed Forces through socially ehgineered bullshit than protecting and defending our Constitution and our Republic. "A murderer is less to fear".
Pull your britches up bois before Rev. Al gets his share from yo asshoe.
Won't be soon enough.
Yea, if anyone knows it would be Mike Baxter and not the Mike Baxter on "Last Man Standing"!!! kek