Seems that theFUCKING JEW CUNT, BV banned me for being a TRUTH TELLER against the PERNICIOUS JEWS.
Keep banning me, you STUPID JEW CUNT. I have at least 13,000 unique IP's through various services.YOU STUPID JEW!
BOOMERSlike that stupid jew-lovingBANNON,are the reason why the USA is a THIRD WORLD SHITHOLE.
Too bad that Trump was unable to see that the very people that he allowed into his inner sanctum, wereNATION DESTROYING JEWS.
Such is life, I suppose.
>Everyone realizes you are a Jew, Gary.
Says the JIDF jew.
Die in a fire, jew cunt.
The GOYIM love me. Why? Because I tell the TRUTH about yourFUCKING JEW SCUMBAGS.