Hey anons,
I don’t mean to be a digital downer, but I’m feeling pretty frustrated that Q has effectively abandoned the movement and very few things they said would happen actually did. While I volunteered for this life, I was also convinced, by Q themselves, to spread the word. Just about everyone I know knows I followed and promoted Q. Now I’m feeling abandoned and well humiliated tbqh. In that light, I am hoping an anon might be able to help me understand what exactly we are supposed to be doing here. Again, I don’t mean to bring anyone down. That’s not my intent. Trump’s 2nd term was stolen from us, bros. The country is headed in the wrong direction, and the deep state seems stronger and more emboldened than ever. The situation seems pretty grim. Lots of people who otherwise didn’t care about politics prior to Trump have stopped keeping up with current affairs. It’s like they’ve given up after the election, and I just don’t know if there’s hope for the United States anymore.