14084439 (pb)
>Handbags of the Anunnaki EQUAL Knowledge
14084439 (pb)
>Handbags of the Anunnaki EQUAL Knowledge
>Does it really matter?
>What is the solution for both Jew and Gentile?
pic rel
>Think of the damage a 6'8" kid could do swinging around an 8# purse
roof korean tactic #17
>Cabal rules all, controls all, and gives us a Matrix, a fantasy world to believe in
>world to believe in
am atheist now?
>they don't believe in Jesus
>Because windmills kill birds
Windfarms kill 10-20 times more than previously thought โฆ
trips chk'd
>Why are your panties in such a wad?
digits tend to do that to anons
>Jim fucked Ron in the ass.