The timing is all so bizarre. AZ was hot and then…. crickets….. FOIA requests too with the Fauci emails just a few weeks prior and they become prominent part of Trumps lawsuit against Facebook…
Perfect shit storm a brewing. Release it all
What do you think about the entire family being doubles/agents. Trump looked different at these most recent rallies…. This whole body double/actor debacle is getting out of hand. Is anybody real?? Are we all clones??
Lets say only 1% of the vaxxed have traumatic death-like symptoms this fall…. This is the one thats gonna wake people the fuck up
Lets say its 5%. Lets say 5million peoples bodies start destroying themselves this fall, if their internal organs survive they all have late-stage dementia..
The psyop worked phenomenally well this past year, people are still wearing the damn mask…. All media has to be stopped outright or we'll be right back in lockdown 2.0. Knuckle draggers galore… You cant slap the stupid out of these people
makes sense… the soul doesn't transfer upon cloning. seeing a lot of soulless sodomites out there… apple earbuds in.. spilling the soup of the day all over themselves with every word vomit….
It gets troublesome when you do know.. When you wake up in the tank but only for a moment.. it's like they push more meds and back to dreamland (wakeworld)
Wonder what the first test ping will be…
Pretty soon you'll be out in public and random strangers will walk up to you and tell you the exact same story using the exact same details… they'll all be wearing blue t-shirts….
I hope that this is really whats in the vaccines and its not just a bioweapon designed to kill everyone
August coincides with many coincidentals
No public response from FB or anyone yet… Most sites making fun of this. 'Just a publicity stunt'…..
Section 230 is only small part of it.. Pg 17 mentions 45million pieces of content with sexual abuse.. Also child sex trafficking enabling……. Whats that executive order about those who engage in sex trafficking… All their facebook shares belong to us??