Anonymous ID: 34729b July 9, 2021, 4:52 a.m. No.14086175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6181 >>6240 >>6265


"In the beginning God…" In the first full sentence of revelation God tells one of his names "Elohim". The word is not fully understood by theologians and so there is confusion.


Some say that Elohim is a plural noun for eloah meaning 'gods' therefore there are many gods. But this is a secondary meaning which cannot be applied to all instances. You can see how this causes problems, since God calls men elohim, and there is only one singular God. How do we make sense of this?


'Notarikon' is the ancient Hebrew practice of interpretation where words get their meaning from the combined meaning of the letters within. 'Elohim' אלהים means God 'El' אל separated from creation י (which has been finished by the son ם) by ignorance ה.


Man is separated from God because they don't know him. When he calls men 'elohim' he is using the primary meaning. It applies to God, since men are separated from him, and it applies to men, because God is separated from them. This is the primary meaning of 'Elohim'.


When judges are called 'Elohim' it is not because they judge like God. It is because they don't judge like God. They cannot judge rightly because they don't know him. So he tells them they will die like men.


Using the same notarikon, eloah אלוה means 'God אל discerned by, or made clear by ו ignorance ה. The ignorance of men, bickering over this or that, drives people crazy to the point that they cry out "It is not supposed to be this way!" By doing so, they are declaring that there is a God whose way it is supposed to be.


When a man or idol is called 'eloah', it says that such a declaration; that the man or idol is a God, is totally foolish and made plain by the ignorance of the claim. It is a god for the foolish.


The Hebrew gate (two-letter 'sub-root') 'El' אל means 'After he spoke and created the heavens and the earth א he taught ל'. Why did he teach? Because men ים are separated from God אל by ignorance ה. Elohim אלהים.

Anonymous ID: 34729b July 9, 2021, 4:53 a.m. No.14086181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6184


Theologians don't understand the name of 'Israel'. It is the name given by God to Jacob. He had many children who were brought into Egypt by Joseph when he was King of kings, grown into a nation called 'Israel', and separated from Egypt by the Exodus.


This causes confusion. When you read scripture, does it mean the man or the nation? It is more confusing than that. Some say the church replaced Israel and is the new Israel.


'Israel' ישראל means 'man יש joined to God אל by revelation ר. It always means this. It applies to Jacob, who was a bad man, because God changed him through revelation of his dreams and his encounter wrestling with God in a ditch. It applies to the nation because God changed them through the revelation of the cloud and fire, the laws and judgements in the wilderness, and other such revelations.


It also applies to the children of Abraham. The nation of Israel are descendants of Abraham, but he had other children. They are called 'dust', 'sand by the sea', and 'stars'.


His children called 'dust' are those without the word of God (symbolized by water). The ones called 'sand by the sea' are washed by the word. The ones called stars are those who Jesus called the 'light of the world', which are the lights in the firmament of Ge 1. The church does not replace the nation of Israel, Israel was never the man or the nation. Those are just symbols of those who are changed by the revelation of God.


God's name, Elohim אלהים, said that God was separated from men by ignorance. He fixes that problem by revelation. Israel, ישראל.

Anonymous ID: 34729b July 9, 2021, 4:53 a.m. No.14086184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6207


The church is called the 'bride of Christ'. This is an important topic to be discussed later. For now we will speak of marriage.


The Hebrew word for marriage is 'laqach' לקח. Without knowing any Hebrew, you can know that whenever you see the lamed ל in a word, it has something to do with teaching. The word for married also means 'doctrine'.


Those who are taught by Christ are his 'bride'. The bride is a symbol. The bride are those whose lives have been changed by revelation, and are known as 'Israel' ישראל, or 'man joined to God by revelation'.


God reveals himself and teaches his own because 'God is separated from men by ignorance' or 'Elohim' אלהים.


Paul wanted us to understand this when he wrote that women should learn from their husbands. The bride is the church and the husband is Christ. The church should learn from Christ. It is easy to see why people come up with pernicious doctrine subjugating women if they do not understand scripture.


It is the same devil that would have men subjugate women, rather than set them free to love and serve God as God would have.


It was the devil who read scripture in the flesh. He tempted Jesus to turn literal stones into bread. But Jesus understood the mystery hidden in scripture: He was the stone that the builders rejected, the Rock that followed Israel in the desert, and he would become the bread through his suffering and death on the cross.


How you read scripture tells you something of your knowledge of God. Many will say that you cannot read scripture without the Holy Spirit. You may read it all you choose. But you cannot understand scripture until your eyes are opened by God. Your flesh will read it like the devil.


May your heart burn…


Teaching - Garments From the time that God gave Adam and Eve garments made from the skin of sheep, garments have represented works. Adam and Eve's works, in making garments of leaves was insufficient to cover their nakedness (representing sin) before God. They made aprons or loin clothes. God made tunics for them from skins.


There are several words used for generic 'garments'. One is used for the clothing of the priests called beged בגד or garments of deceit. They were costumes to show that they were playing a role as a type of Christ. The sacrifices did not give grace; but a promise of grace through the cross.

Anonymous ID: 34729b July 9, 2021, 5:09 a.m. No.14086231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6321


>The Ten Commandments were not given to people as a punishment, they were given so that society could run smoothly and fairly.


Naw. God never expected you could keep the ten commandments. This is why the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. He knew you couldn't keep it.


Your instinctive nature makes you a god, declaring good and evil for yourself; usurping God's position, and making yourself an enemy of God.


THe commandments are a challenge to your god-ness. "If you are God, try not lying.. God does not lie. Oh you can't do that?


If you are God, try not stealing. Oops , guess you are not God.


When you get tired of the pain, suffering and death you cause by truing to be a god, you will kneel to God.


And as Jesus challenged the rich man, If you are a god, then do what God has done. He has left his high estate to be this poor man before you. Leave all that you have and come follow me. Can't do it? Then do not claim to be good, and do not claim to have kept all the commandments. Only God is good.