someone doesn't like accountability, awwwww
you fucked around and found out, enjoy the infamy
someone doesn't like accountability, awwwww
you fucked around and found out, enjoy the infamy
gerbil/doge/babyfist/tranime start posting that stuff just before BV gets on every day. They must be super frustrated. I can't wait until they get raided.
babyfist is so dumb, even rocks are smarter than this
probably because your larp here gets btfo daily and awareness of your faggotry grows daily
yes, BV sure is a patriot
this is funny and cringe worthy at the same time, babyfist has relegated himself to posting US flags on the board in an attempt to hide the fact that BV btfo'd him by his own memes.
Everyone sees through it, but babyfist's ego can't / wont believe it and continues the larp. We should really fuck with him a bit, pump his ego then crash it. He is super sensitive and removed from reality.
now they will be encouraged to post flags during their spam sessions. Once banned they will cry BV censoring us flags.
you have no game
iran is interesting, you don't hear a whole ton about it in the news. Bit they had state websites taken down by the US, nuclear reactors taken down supposedly by Israel, militias in Syria attacked by US fighter jets. Now their train system is down, which is one of the biggest blows you can make to any country.
There will be a change of government there soon, for better or worse, I can smell it.
upside down star moran, pentagram
she made world news for getting kicked off a flight and she posted herself in that very outfit wearing a pentagram. Figure it out