Read through the Techno Fog piece quick.
Looks like the mistake was GPS lawyers tried to open backchannel comms to ALFA behind the DC court's back.
Read through the Techno Fog piece quick.
Looks like the mistake was GPS lawyers tried to open backchannel comms to ALFA behind the DC court's back.
Disclose.TV saying Iran's train system hacked.
Possibility, I think, that Iran is the staging area for DS nuke threats against govs WW.
Bidan where he is and holding, for example, because he's the puppet put in under the threat of a mass casualty event.
Pelosi (need a nuke in your pocket to negotiate with Trump) and Bidan (Patriots will deal with F15's and nukes) with their version of the duper's delight adds to the probability.
Wonder, too, if Awan, next door in Pakistan, is involved? Surfside stuff may relate, too.