beware the wrath of the quiet man…
>coercion is very effective
ONLY if the majority goes along. if a critical mass of refusniks just say no, what are they going to do? mine their own coal? fat fucking chance of that. stay strong. stick together. get the message out.
>I'm reporting you to the FBI right now for keks
good. maybe they will see to it that you get the psychiatric help you so obviously need, karen.
>they no longer need coal…
put the koolaid down, sparky. that was a symbolic example. it referred to ANYONE who does the actual MANUAL LABOR that keeps the lights on and the pumps running. and they DO need coal, and they will for a long time, 'cause they're addicted to electricity. asshat.
>The airlines have become Nazis.
BECOME??? i refused to ever fly again when the TSA took over after 9/11. FUCK 'EM. if more of you gutless wonders said FUCK 'EM, the police state tactics would disappear overnight.
>keep thinking you know
i've spent more years than you can count, child, researching suppressed technology, and i've forgotten more than you will ever know.
arrogance and overconfidence will get you ded.
i think you're right, anon. seems more like a bot than a human (i use the term loosely) shill.
i don't mind engaging shills, tho. let them spend money to pay shills to come here. it expends their resources.
>How much is too much wine?
whatever involuntarily comes back up the way it went down, that's how much was too much.
>This argument is retarded as shit.
we hold these truths to be self-evident: private exchange of hard assets is the ONLY untraceable transaction.
if anyone is too retarded to comprehend this, then they have no business posting where adults post.