wow in the early AM you guys can practice your psyop scripts with no one around.
did you get the script from the graphine you pissed on yourself when BV banned you the first time?
wow in the early AM you guys can practice your psyop scripts with no one around.
did you get the script from the graphine you pissed on yourself when BV banned you the first time?
carbon and pencils are dangerous.
someone might write on your spinal coloumn in pencil lead: this is a shill who has not been vaxed.
and then the false narrative of shills will make you spurge out tasteless calls for some random anon who points out your psy op team to KYS.
do you think any of the banter from last bread was authentic or that anyone was doing digs or anything real?
open your eyes. This place becomes a theatre for shill crews to act out their fear-induction bantering fear porn scripts.
they will write it in pencil lead and make you afraid of dust. on your nuerons.
you have a sick mind.
you wouldn't because the script only has the part about the fear banter and none of any real science.
your larp is obvious. It's you IP hopping and pretending you know stuff.
you only put on line out at a time.
a talented writer and churn out such drivel.
if you don't know, then why do you say it anyway?
I didn't give it to you. It's all on you, bud.
you posted copy about someone having an orgasm for people's offspring.
and you call me a sanctimonious person?
you're a fucking asshole.
at least you are clear about that you're trying to waste people's time.
did they litterally dissapear like graphine pencil errasers litterally errased the larper script so you did not know what the lines were?
I showed up last bread and got a good idea that spurge team is here for performances today.
just being a heckler in the grand tradtion of bad-plays: which is what your larper crew performs.
you go nothing
you don't need to try to do that. It's what you are: a mean-bitch badger shill.
oh, it's you , the "everyone else who I post to is stupid and I'm the only one who is OK" mean bitche badger shill.
you do your same 'I'm the only one who is OK bit' everytime.
isn't it tiring to you that the effort is always a failure?
see how you go on with it. you're in a room of people?
'the only one'?
you do the same bit everytime: you make up qualities about the person who critiques you which just come from a list or something.
then you persist with a false narrative about the other person as if they fail, when, in fact, you know nothing about them except that they are forward in saying: that meme was horrible and tasteless and creepy-sex-groomer in caliber.
that offends you? so you make up stuff
if you were concerned about the well being of others you would start in with the crrepy memes in the first place. nor would you defend them.
and you wouldn't badger pepole and create false narratives saying that they are all 'broken'
you make it up.
if you were concerned about the well being of others you wouldn't start in with the crrepy memes in the first place. nor would you defend them.
>if you were concerned about the well being of others you wouldn't start in with the crrepy memes in the first place. nor would you defend them.
nothing you say is real. It's all just word-dissassociation bingo ping-pong.
go look at the original content that is in the bread about which I commented.
follow my chain of posts back to it.
it has a picture of a supposed health care professional and a creepy stateement of activity with an intentional missspelling.
you can't even read the chain of posts that is in the bread?
do not waste anymore time with me anon, I can't solve your dilemma for you. you'll need council from others.
see: >>14093589
that's you. that's your thing. you are that.
no need for you to interfere in this. the person pretty much gave it up in a cowardly way saying he was . . . himself just them. so maybe I cured a blockage for it.
it's this weeks fear porn psyop, anon. that is why I mention it : to point it out and deride it so others don't waste their time with it.
still trying to do the conflation with the prune cutter crap-memes, huh?