You have responded to a low IQ penis shill.
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You have responded to a low IQ penis shill.
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poor shill discipline.
What if Some People Out There in the World Are Not Like Us?
ome people go through life not quite feeling fully part of the human race. Surrounded by untold millions who seem to want from life only that which they are told they should want, those who refuse a simple life of comfort and consumption are often made to feel like misfits and failures by the corporate machines and media matrix which promote and profit from mass conformity.
But what if there are more bodies than souls on Earth and, despite what we are told, all people are not in fact created equal? Do all humans really have the same potential? Are all the people in the world fully human or, merely existing rather than living, even human at all? A Tulpa is a paranormal being created through spiritual or mental powers, either through a deliberate act of individual will or unintentionally from the thoughts of numerous people. Could this concept account for the strange, uncanny sense some people have about many of the humanoid beings they live among, and about a consensus reality splintering more and more with each passing day?
Indian Buddhism
One early Buddhist text, the Pali Samaññaphala Sutta, lists the ability to create a “mind-made body” (manomāyakāya) as one of the "fruits of the contemplative life"
Tibetan Buddhism
Emanation bodies—nirmanakaya, sprulsku, sprul-pa and so on—are connected to trikaya, the Buddhist doctrine of the three bodies of the Buddha. They are usually emanation bodies of celestial beings, though "unrealized beings" such as humans may have their own emanation bodies or even be emanation bodies
20th century theosophists adapted the concepts of "emanation body"—nirmita, tulku, sprul-pa and others—into the concepts of "tulpa" and "thoughtform"
The term “thoughtform” is used as early as 1927 in Evans-Wentz's translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.[7] John Myrdhin Reynolds, in a note to his English translation of the life story of Garab Dorje, defines a tulpa as "an emanation or a manifestation
The communities gained popularity when adult fans of My Little Pony created forums for tulpas of characters from the My Little Pony television series. The fans attempted to use meditation and lucid dreaming techniques to create imaginary friends.[
Practitioners, or tulpamancers, consider these to be sentient and relatively autonomous. Onwards, online communities dedicated to tulpas spawned on the 4chan and Reddit websites. These communities collectively refer to themselves as tulpamancers and offer guides and support for others.