So, why do Muslims do it?
I think it would be fairer to say this place is made to appear full of Jew hate.
I haven't seen anyone say they are Jewish, just loads of morans claiming anyone that calls out their bigot shit must be Jewish.
Agree, but if all you are capable of looking for is Jews, then you are gonna miss a shitload.
Don't be an idiot.
Recognize it is Good vs Evil and simply being Jewish is not an indicator of either.
Yes, but…
Yeah, you aren't here to find answers.
You appear to have all the answers you want already.
No. No I don't believe you are.
Wow did your patented psychic Jew detector go off?
Or did some Anon just call you a fag again?
Hey genius.
Look up what a 'libel' is.
Blood libels isn't a sacrifice thing it is an acknowledgement in the name that the accusations are bullshit.
Trouble is while you waste your time giving a fuck you to FlapJack and co, a new piece of shit will take the Soros dollar jump the board and you'll be right back here again.
Look up the word Libel idiot.
Surely you are capable of learning one new thing every couple of months.
VPN. He doesn't quite understand that a ban is a minor 30 second inconvenience.
If you can't argue the facts.
Attack the opponent.
You really are a little bit silly aren't you.