Some theorize that the graphine oxide is basically that. Infuse enough of it into your body / brain, and suffer their control or persuasion through some kind of 5g manipulation. Seems like a stretch to me, then again a lot of things have blown my mind in the last 4 years.
True definition of herd immunity is anything over 50%. They keep inching the number upward just because.
Jeez man, just relaying some of the research and articles we've been discussing this week. There is a lot of spitballing going on out there right now, various claims about graphene oxide, with the 5g being one of those claims. If true, that would be a pretty handy control mechanism.
Check out the efficacy of traditional flu vaccines. Usually around 60%. Anything that elevates the overall population over the herd threshold. As I understand it, that threshold varies according to a combination of contageousness and lethality, and it is not an exact number, more of a target.