Near me is a small park with a gravel trail in some places. There is a sign which says something about "No unauthorized vehicles". Hmm..who "authorizes" the vehicles? One rainy day saw what looked like a family with a golf cart going around the pond. Didn't bother me. I guess myself and the family using the cart "authorized" their vehicle.
Well, yes, I think you are correct, at least according to currently accepted "rules". I was having more of a philosophical moment, however. As in, if a sign tells me the rule but I have no idea of the actual person who authorizes, maybe its okay for the "authority" to be me, a family enjoying the park, etc.
Probably the case, but since the "vaccine" is a bio-weapon, the result ain't all bad. The remaining leftist "woke" troops will be so sick and debilitated or else will readily drop dead. Not much use when turned upon American patriots. Not unless they turn into zombies. The CDC wants us to be ready for the zombies.
Nice Trips.
EMP ain't all bad.
I'm waiting for the cell towers to melt. Don't know why that would happen, but I think it will.
Not sure of the original source of the charts, but this makes it look like if you are over 50 the vaccine will not protect you from COVID or from death.