“[A]nd then actuated THE CORONA SYSTEM”… 12:02 Mark
] Dr. Uncle John Trump [ discussing late night test in bunker south of MIT of personally standing in electromagnetic vacuum testing 1-Million Watt Levels…but stating ambiguously research may have stopped for not being unsuccessful…OR WAS THERE A “POSITIVE RESULT” HIDDEN FROM [[[THEM]]]?!…
COINCEDENCE?!: July 17, 2020: Near 1-Year Delta from Rusty Shackleford Vid Drop: Q 4585 re CORONA, “How do you provide for invalid ‘positive’ test results? Think pawpaw.”
What a TIME to be alive fellow Anons…God Bless You All, Babies on the Right and Left…
“How Tesla, Nikola and Donald Trump are all connected” See []
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