Anonymous ID: 7fced3 July 11, 2021, 3 p.m. No.14102352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2374 >>2380 >>2410 >>2509 >>2537 >>2549 >>2637 >>2642 >>2744 >>2817 >>2951 >>3005 >>3039

Globalist Leaders at G20 Endorse Global Tax Plan, Set For Vote in US Congress; “New Rules,” “No Turning Back”


The move towards globalism is marching full steam ahead.


On Saturday, finance ministers from the world’s 20 largest economies met in Venice and announced that they had agreed to a “more stable and fairer international tax architecture.” The announcement comes just a week after 130 countries agreed to a proposal for a worldwide minimum tax, which Biden has been backing since taking office.


Biden’s administration and the anti-American Globalists are rejoicing. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, praised the efforts in Venice. The German finance minister said “it will be implemented and we will have built this international taxation system for the 21st century.” France’s finance minister added “there is no turning back.”


The unprecedented plan, if enacted, would drastically reshape the tax landscape around the world, especially in the US. It would establish a global 15% minimum tax. Proponents of the plan say that it will limit large corporations saving billions of dollars by shifting profits into tax havens. This, coupled with Biden’s plan to pass competition-crushing corporate tax increases reflects the desire of foreign nations to profit off of American companies for operating in their countries.


The implementation of the global tax program hinges on the American legislature. Lawmakers in Washington are preparing to vote on the proposal, likely in two separate parts: “Pillar 1” and “Pillar 2.” They would need to approve separate measures because one requires changes to US tax legislation and the other gives foreign countries new abilities to either tax American business through the altering of existing trade agreements or by creating new ones.


It is expected to easily pass through congress but should be met with a harder challenge in the Senate. Biden and the radical democrats could potentially avoid a hangup in the upper house with the domestic part of the new proposal and use reconciliation to pass it with a simple majority with Kamala Harris as the tie-breaking vote.


According to The Financial Times: “Pillar 2, which changes US domestic legislation, could potentially be passed using the so-called reconciliation process. This can be used by US Congress once a fiscal year and bills passed by this route can clear the Senate with a simple majority. The upper chamber is split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, with US vice-president Kamala Harris casting the tiebreaking vote. However, Pillar 1, which will probably require treaty changes, would need the support of at least two thirds of the Senate.”


One of the last G20 holdouts for the tax was China. They have been opposed to agreements that would limit setting tax policy as they see fit. The deals now include significant room for countries to add-in exemptions from the global minimum taxes, laying the groundwork for China to sign on and not be required to follow any of the terms.


Instead of focusing on putting American citizens and businesses first, this administration continues to prioritize the interests foreign nations over the United States. Pat Toomey, the most senior Republican member of the Senate Banking Committee, called the global minimum tax “Crazy.”


How does a globalist government get funded? Taxes, of course!

Anonymous ID: 7fced3 July 11, 2021, 3:02 p.m. No.14102373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2397 >>2410 >>2417 >>2429 >>2512 >>2520 >>2534 >>2537 >>2579 >>2599 >>2637 >>2642 >>2744 >>2753 >>2817 >>2938 >>2951 >>3005

UK mom killed hubby with boiling water for allegedly sexually abusing her kids



An enraged British mom was sentenced to life in prison for killing her husband with a boiling mixture of water and sugar after she was told he had sexually assaulted her two children.


Prosecutors say Corinna Smith, 59, of Neston, near Liverpool, poured the super heated liquid over Michael Baines, 80, as he slept in their bed last year, according to reports. He suffered burns over one third of his body and died weeks later from his injuries.


Prosecutors told a local court the sugar “made the liquid more viscous, thicker and stickier, so that it stays on the skin and causes greater damage.”


Smith, reportedly “livid” and “fuming” at news of her spouse’s alleged predatory behavior, mixed two kettles of water with three bags of sugar before attacking Baines in bed.


He died in the hospital five weeks later after repeated surgery and skin grafts.


Smith’s daughter claimed Baines had sexually abused her and her brother “for many years when they were children.” The brother, Craig, committed suicide in 2007, and had been imprisoned for an assault.


He had told his mother the man he attacked was a “pedophile” who had “touched him sexually,” according to reports.


She will serve a minimum of 12 years in jail before she can be considered for parole.

Anonymous ID: 7fced3 July 11, 2021, 3:05 p.m. No.14102398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2408 >>2410 >>2537 >>2637 >>2642 >>2744 >>2807 >>2817 >>2951 >>3005

Texas Now Investigating 386 More Cases of Voter Fraud, Attorney General Tells CPAC


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Sunday told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) his office is investigating nearly 400 more cases of voter fraud and called on audience members that concern about election fraud is not overblown.


The 386 cases that are being investigated come in addition to more than 500 cases that his office has prosecuted, Paxton said, without elaborating on the details of some of the cases.


“Do not believe the narrative because in Texas we are going to fight election fraud,” Paxton said, adding that Republicans would have struggled during election day last year if his office didn’t stop local election officials from breaking rules around balloting.


Referring to claims that voter fraud doesn’t exist—made typically by Democrats—the Republican attorney general described it as a false narrative.


“People tell you there is no election fraud. Let me just tell you right now, my office has 511 counts in court because of COVID waiting to be heard. We have another 386 that we’re investigating,” he told the CPAC audience in Texas. “If you add those together, that’s more election fraud than my office has prosecuted since it started investigating election fraud years and years ago. So do not believe the narrative, because in Texas we are going to fight election fraud.”


In June, Paxton announced that his office is investigating 500 cases that, according to him, are “waiting to be heard in court.”

Anonymous ID: 7fced3 July 11, 2021, 3:12 p.m. No.14102446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2537 >>2637 >>2642 >>2744 >>2817 >>2951 >>3005

'A Democrat Machine': Big Tech Companies Getting 'Biggest Subsidy' Under Section 230, Trump Says


Earlier this week, Trump filed lawsuits against the social media giants, alleging "censorship resulting from threatened legislative action" and "willful participation in joint activity with federal actors." In a Thursday op-ed in the WSJ, Trump justified his effort by arguing that such alleged private-state collaboration is "unconstitutional."


Former President Donald Trump has maintained his crusade against tech leviathans he believes are unjustly suppressing him, claiming on Sunday that what Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are doing is the equivalent of Democratic campaign contributions.


In an interview with Fox News "Sunday Morning Futures," Trump again spoke in favor of repealing section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which for the Big Tech companies is like "getting the biggest subsidy that any company has ever gotten from a government."


"They’re immune from so many different things, but they’re not immune from this lawsuit because what they’ve done is such a violation of the Constitution. A violation like we’ve never seen before," he said.


While the First Amendment to the US Constitution only applies to government actors, not corporations, Trump is seeking to connect the two by arguing that corporations have been carrying out government officials' orders.


Furthermore, Trump said that YouTube and Twitter have taken steps to favor government views while blocking alternative viewpoints.


"They work with the Democrats. It’s a Democrat machine; it should be a campaign contribution," the ex-president noted.

Anonymous ID: 7fced3 July 11, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.14102461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2478 >>2486 >>2494 >>2537 >>2637 >>2642 >>2744 >>2817 >>2951 >>3005

School curriculum in Canada disputes view of math as 'objective' discipline, argues it has been used to 'normalize racism'


Canada's Ontario province has injected anti-racist activism in its 9th grade math curriculum, decrying the science as having been used to "normalize racism" and demanding that lessons "challenge systems of power and privilege."


Black and LGBTQ students, among others, have experienced "systemic barriers" to accessing high-level math instruction, such as racism and implicit bias, according to the new curriculum. Teachers are expected not only to identify and remove such barriers, but also impart all students with the skills to recognize how math can be used to "uncover, explore, analyze and promote actions to address social and environmental issues, such as inequity and discrimination."


The curriculum, which is posted on the provincial government's website, calls for challenging "Eurocentric" ideas about learning math and creating an "anti-racist and anti-discriminatory environment." It argued against math being an objective discipline:


Mathematics has been used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges, and a decolonial, anti-racist approach to mathematics education makes visible its historical roots and social constructions.


Teachers are challenged to encourage different ways of learning, such as infusing "Indigenous knowledges" into their lessons, to help students develop "healthy and strong identities" as math learners. The program, which is based on a framework called Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy (CRRP), also will address "issues of power and social justice in mathematics education."


Toronto Sun columnist Brian Lilley panned the curriculum, saying, "So apparently math is racist and Eurocentric and subjective. Really?" He added that calling math Eurocentric is false, given its roots in such places as the Arabian Peninsula and China, and the province has allowed activists to "insert their lefty politics into the classroom."


The new curriculum says math is racist and subjective. We need to teach kid’s math, not use math class to teach politics. Premier @fordnation and education minister @Sflecce need to fix this problem. Read and RT #onpoli

— Brian Lilley (@brianlilley) July 11, 2021


The Ontario controversy marks the latest flare-up in a trend toward math curriculums that de-emphasize or eliminate gifted programs and challenge the science's objectivity, particularly in the US. In California, for instance, proposed changes to the state's curriculum would ditch gifted programs and discourage such allegedly racist practices as focusing on "getting the right answer."


The proposed California math makeover includes use of a teaching guide called "A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction." The program, which was funded at least partly by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is reportedly being used by schools in Georgia, Ohio and Oregon. It argues that the concept of math being objective is "unequivocally false," and calls on teachers to identify ways that the science is used to uphold "capitalist, imperialist and racist views." It aims to ensure "equally high outcomes" for all students.

Anonymous ID: 7fced3 July 11, 2021, 3:20 p.m. No.14102505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2529 >>2530 >>2537 >>2545 >>2637 >>2642 >>2744 >>2817 >>2951 >>3005

WTH? GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel Blocks Trump Election Lawyer Jenna Ellis on Twitter After News Breaks on RNC Attorney’s Election Lies


In March President Trump sent a cease-and-desist letter to the RNC demanding that they quit using his name to fundraise.


The letters were also sent to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).


The Republican Party abandoned President Trump following the election where Democrats were able to steal a landslide victory from the most popular president in US history.


The RNC quickly moved on following the election and started to fundraise and focus on the Georgia runoff elections. They refused to support President Trump.


It was almost as if Democrats had taken over the RNC?


Now there is evidence that the RNC Chief Counsel Justin Riemer was questioning why his RNC party colleagues were backing President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud.

The email was texted to Trump attorney Jenna Ellis who passed it on to Rudy Giuliani and Bernard Kerik.


Business Insider reported:


Last November, Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis received an email that forwarded a note from Republican National Committee (RNC) chief counsel Justin Riemer, with the GOP official questioning the former president’s election claims, according to a forthcoming book by Michael Wolff.


In the note, Riemer reportedly wrote to his RNC colleagues asking why they were backing Trump’s unfounded claims of election fraud, while also expressing that the organization raised more cash battling Democrats than challenging election results.


Ellis, who was having dinner with Rudy Giuliani and former New York City police commissioner Bernie Kerik, passed her phone around for everyone to view the message, which reportedly left them “stunned.”