In 1949 after doing a 4 year audit on the concentration camps in Germany and Poland the International Red Cross claimed 290,000 more or less had died in the camps. Most died in the final year of the war due to typhoid. The Holohoax is one of the biggest lies in history. And remember, the Jews have claimed the 6 gorrilion number many times in the past. In fact settling on the 6 gorrilion number in light of scant evidence is a major tell.
Want to meet demons do you?
Trotsky would find you hilarious.
Nothing. Also; there are no "aliens" from other galaxies either.
What, that Americans are being undercut on decent tech jobs by foreigners? How is it you're okay with that?
Don't be a lotus eater. It'll bring you nothing but grief.
So what?
I have no need to learn a different trade. But one of my sons is a programmer and has seen close up what some companies are willing to do to bring in cheap H1B visa workers instead of hiring actual Americans.
Oh, oh, something is important to you even tho its nonsense and if you don't agree oh, oh…
Shut up, Karen.
Oh fuck, all large corporations are doing you idiot. But because it hasn't happened to you yet you don't care and will even deny its happening.
Why is this important to you?
Answer the question.
So what? Why does this matter to you and why do you feel everyone else should care?
>Expand your thinking
What, by believing BS narratives that put people at grave risk? Are you by chance an atheist or New Ager?