This email I got today is exactly right. They are not in the Constitution and we don't need them
"Every breath you take,
Every move you make,
They’ll be watching you..
It’s bad enough that none of the alphabet ‘security’ agencies were written into our Constitution. Now they have become politicized. They no longer adhere to any rule of law. They ARE the law and can do what they want. They certainly aren’t answerable to the American people.
We saw the FBI help encourage Trump supporters to protest at the Capitol while refusing to release video tapes that will prove their operatives were there. The FBI even seized a lego-made capitol building from one of the so-called ‘insurrectionists.’
Break up the FBI too and let individual states assign marshals to fight real crime—not investigate or invent wrong doings against their perceived political enemies. Do away with the NSA for their gross and repeated violations of the law. It’s a felony to read private mail of US citizens. Let the branches of the military monitor foreign enemies and let us Americans have our Fourth Amendment back.
Ben Garrison"
We need our Liberty back.