FALSE! study moar. i'm rh negative, but my parents were not both rh negative.
>how much money are they losing?
you must be in politics. not making money is NOT the same as losing money.
>Anyone read about astral projection?
now the bad news: you can't learn to ride a bicycle by reading about it.
>RECESSIVE! your parents still held the gene from the past.
that is NOT what you wrote in the earlier post. nice side-step
on the altiplano in bolivia, near tiahuanaco there are structures that match exactly the descriptions given by plato. at 11,000 ft above sea level. before the CURRENT ice age began (1.3 million yrs ago) sea levels would have been higher. also the altiplano might have been much much lower.
sorry i didn't check the ID of the posts. next topic, wtf are you sticking your 2ยข in to my reply to a retard's post? whadja expect?
>if no one died and people still act they they do right now
not dying of old age is not the end of death. VERY FEW people die of old age. you should try thinking critically.
>is it all just faggots and niggers?
IDKโฆ did you mean some people here are faggots and the rest are niggers? or did you mean they are ALL faggots AND niggers?
>I've never known the FDA to remove anything, even when it was known to be harmful.
FDA has revoked approval on hundreds of Rx drugs over the years. you been livin' under a rock, or you just tryin' to start a slide?
yeahโฆ and let's not forget who REALLY defeated the nazi armyโฆ the 27,000,000 russians who gave their lives.
>how many does it take to make a lampshade?
people? three. one to make the lampshade and two to arkancide the witnesses.
>We brought them to America.
that is quite true. but you should learn to read more betterer. i wrote "defeated the nazi army." not the nazis.
>So maybe you should refresh your argument skills jackass.
FUCK YOU, shit breath. i mistakenly thought i was corresponding with a person constrained to historical facts, not delusional tinfoil hat conspiracy bullsnot.
btw, GFY divisionshill. you're tactics are well known here.
>14104648 (You)
i knew about operation paperclip when your daddy was still fapping behind the chicken coup, fuckwit.
digits of the beast confirm (You) are the father of lies.