Captain Marvel ID: 76a484 We have entered the reset July 12, 2021, 11:48 a.m. No.14107968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The [Next] Reset Has Started


Everywhere on YouTube that I share this, it is immediately removed. It’s up to all you truth lovers to share this far and wide. Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors…EVERYONE needs to know where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are headed if we don’t stop it.


The entire gov is pirating parasites. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM YOU SEE ARE USEFUL IDIOTS. If they’re killed off, you then know they disagreed with this [next] reset. Ask the murdered Haiti president what happens when you tell evil tech corporations you are not going to allow the withholding of food from starving people unless they “voluntarily” get the jab.


They need our kids to be and think the way they want after offing all the adults. They’ve done this before.


The last reset was LESS THAN 500 YEARS AGO. Our history has been rewritten. The bibles have been rewritten. Religion used as mindcontrol. When all that stops working, they hit the reset button.


And this is a definite plausible explanation as to all the millions of orphaned children that started appearing around 1860. The vatican shipped millions of kids around the planet to repopulate countries. There are photos of only all kids working in factories. Vatican trained children. They are doing it again. This must be stopped!


The Lost History of Earth


Stolen History: Lifting the Veil of Deception

Part 1


Part 2