Someone on /pol/ I remember made a great point about this. If you go to Korea Town you will notice that every street corner has a University, Math preparation institution. Asians just study significantly more and their parents invest a lot into their education. If you go to Black areas of a city you will notice a bunch of payday loan businesses at every corner. Supply and demand. White kids are kinda in the middle, I think my mother helped me study for a test once or twice my entire life.
I'll tell you this though, studying only goes so far. You notice asians are poor drivers in general, at least I can say for the ones in Canada. When it comes to on the fly critical thinking on the job I notice whites are exceptional at that and have a much stronger creative thinking abilities (imagination); the textbook will only get you so far. I dunno though I'm just speaking anecdotally. Every race has their strengths and weaknesses. I've worked and met with people from all walks of life with PhDs, Masters and most of them were absolutely retarded, they could memorize entire textbooks and regurgitate to you useless information but they struggled in understanding complex concepts. Sometimes I'd ask them questions they'd never thought of and it looked like their brains were going thermonuclear because they can't compute anything outside of their given paradigm.