> what the fuck is this supposed to mean?
Odd, indeed…
>because they can't compute anything outside of their given paradigm.
But that is not because of the "race", anon.
That myth was widespread during the NS Germany last century but it was just that, a myth.
Sure there are differences among human groups but is basically different "cultural stages" (as some anthropologists say).
Theoretically you could pick any newborn baby from Africa and educate him as a skillful pianist in New York (take it with a grain of salt cause that also depends how the mother was fed), because the "matter" is the same at the end (a human).
And seems minor things but could be very dangerous for the well being of a nation.
"They want you divided".
> […] horrendous yearly rituals…
Cultural stages.
Not telling you're wrong but it was more a nuance since some myths could become dangerous.
Have you ever wonder why the Apartheid, KKK and likewise "movements" did not happened in the Hispanic America?
The Spanish crown treat all the indigenous (etymologically means "locals") as the same, as vassals under the same crown (law) .
And yes, there were killings, but not for race (they also had the practice of eating each other (generally from different tribes)).
That's why you can walk in central Mexico and see "Indian" faces with Spanish names; they mixed, there were not "Indian Reservations".
Those human individuals that "did not know the word of God" were "elevated". The Greek philosophy and the Roman law was introduced. They overtake the mysticism and tyranny.
So maybe instead get embroiled in "race" discussions we could try to figure out how to "incorporate" those individuals with different worldviews (to say so) in our society.
And yes, sometimes you have to using force.
It were more like Historical/Political facts.
But I understand somethings could be misunderstood.
Thanks for bring that out.
No worries anon.
We learned the lesson.
I'm not gonna say that I just was doing right click or left click when the day come.
Anons love tits but also pay attention to women hands…
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Not really a reddit faggot…
More like an aged anon doing some tests.
Forgot to cut them from my editor.