REvil with a pause
I wonder if this could relate to graphene and magnetism and it's use in the vAXE coupled with the push for 5G
"Our magnetic bilayer graphene can be switched on with very low power and can be read electronically very easily," Goldhaber-Gordon said. "The fact that there's not a large magnetic field extending outward from the material means you can pack magnetic bits very close together without worrying about interference."
In the soul's descent into matter, the biomagnetic forces, while acting to maintain
stability and life, were not uppermost
and contributed only to the tightening of the
circle around the Self. Once the boundary
condition of materiality is reached; once
the acquisitive, gravitational impulse is
exhausted, the soul begins to resonate more
and more with its higher aspects as the everpresent bio-magnetism finally and inevitably
must gain the upper hand. In the same way
that it creates the updraught in the centre of
the tornado, these bio-magnetic forces begin
to draw the soul upward. As its power
increases, bio-magnetism accelerates this
uplifting process and levitates the soul to the
source from whence it came. As it rises up
through the various planes of higher energy
and spirituality, the soul's vibrational rate or
frequency progressively increases and its
motion reverses direction. It now changes
from axial, self-centred rotation to radial
expansion and in the process enters into an
increasingly harmonic relationship with the
rest of the Universe.
Finally reaching the level of infinitely high
vibration, which is synonymous with a state
of infinite harmony, it becomes one with
everything; it loses its individuality as it
once again unites with its originating source.
Having now completed its long, arduous
and often painful journey into matter;
having become aware of the vacuity of
physical substance, it has become filled with
the selfless love arising from total nonattachment and adds its small contribution
to the eternal radiation of unconditional love
throughout the manifested and unmanifested universe