I don't usually go for taking a baby from their parents but in this caseTHEY NEED TO TAKE AWAY THE BABY FROM THESE MORONS!!!
Biological Male “Mother” Attempts To Breastfeed Newborn Birthed By His Biological Female “Boyfriend”
“The baby has been able to latch, but I have not been able to produce any milk…”
Determined to shove their depravity down the throat of their newborn, both literally and figuratively, the mentally ill new parents express dismay at not being able to breastfeed their baby naturally. In hindsight maybe “dad” should’ve kept his breasts when he decided to keep his uterus. Just a thought.
The new parents have refused to accept identification documents for their newborn baby because it would require the female who gave birth (wearing glasses) to be listed as the mother and not the male (black hair, pretending to breastfeed) who did not give birth.
Tearful but with a stiff upper lip, the new parent confidently exclaims, “we’re gonna supplement the feeding with formula so that my baby is still getting the nutrients that they need”.
Perhaps daddy-mama is confused by the word supplement, which Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as ‘something that completes or makes an addition.’ Cant supplement something if you’ve nothing, to begin with. The baby won’t be supplemented by formula, it will be sustained solely by it!
Smalls said it best in the 1993 film, The Sandlot, “I haven’t had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?”
If only we could go back to those days…