Anonymous ID: fab306 July 13, 2021, 1:01 p.m. No.14115851   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I believe the magnetic shift will send the globe into the next Ice Age, and that could happen any day.


magnetic pole flips have NOTHING to do with ice ages. we are currently IN an ice age, which began 1.3 million yrs ago.

the periods of glacial expansion and retreat are called interglacials, and occur in 15,000 cycles.

we ARE due to enter another period of glacial expansion, and it takes only a century until the north polar cap reaches Georgia.

the pole flip already began a couple centuries ago, and the process takes 1000+ yrs to complete. it is the reason for the hole in the ozone layer.

get yourself a book on paleoclimatology, one written BEFORE 1990.