Attention Rafael Anchia: far be it from me to pronounce judgement on your soul, that being far above my pay grade. However, I see no harm in using Christ's own analogy on you. You have got the chance of a camel passing through the eye of a needle. On a personal level, you disgust me. Know this—whatever you have done, white hats have the proof.
Weather Underground was pissed about Cointelpro for different reasons than some of us are. Name me a WU person you would let your sister or daughter be alone with. I rest my case.
Their system is ending, but there have always been ways to beat it, and I mean ethically. As cliche as it sounds, hard work, clean living and frugality will take a person a long way.
Also saw it claimed that DJT told CPAC that "Hillary is gone." Confirmed?
The surprising thing is that Scipio let him remain in a powerful position in Carthage, where he remained for 7 more years, until they decided to take him down, and he went on the lam.