>That time the USMIL in the otherwise empty WH trolled the fuck out of AOC.
Anon not sure, but thinks he made first cutout of AOC at border.
Either way, it's epic how much it's been used.
>I see a False Flag in the Near Future
>Vaccine Solictor and a MAGA Madman
Unfortunately, I have to agree.
Round these parts, they just might end up duct taped to a light post, but clowns will make sure a few get sacrificed to push moar gun regulations.
Do I have to make a girl grammar nazi for autocorrect changing Bingo to Bimbo?
Never mind. Found one.
Nein lives for (You)!
>I do agree there will be fuckery in a Red state however. Best advice is not to answer the door.
>Even if you just fuck with them who's to say they won't report that this guy racially attacked me with words and threatened me.
>Just don't answer the door. Skip the no trespassing sign drama.
Quads confirm
>Why did someone say it's Bubble's birthday
>because it is
We're going to need a payment on your tits or GTFO installment plan, Bubbs. It's been over a month since your last payment, and we don't want to have to charge you a late fee.
BV getting banhappy messed up muh shill meter.
Take them all, and smoke half a pound of parmesean.
>That's a lot of Karenโs
Karen's is possessive, which leaves the reader wondering "That's a lot of Karen's WHAT?"
Is that supposed to be a ginger mound?