Simons of Trent was a frame - up job by the Romans.
I have the old history
The PODESTA was who framed them
The Roman Religion Molok / BULL sacrifice worshippers frame the Jews.
It's been that way forever.
That's why they Jew Spam here.
You don't think that's organic do you?
You guys believe all kind of Propaganda, dont' you.
If it was real Finkle wouldn't have had to spam it every day for years on end
Repetition… DJT just explained it last weekend
Repeat it enough and people give in and just believe it,
You guys think your so smart
Even if you were correct, and you're not
You are mean spirited
You are much worse than the Jews you think our you claim to hate.
I think it's all act though
Ur working for Soros,
Same profile as the Dems, ANTIFA and BLM