Was sicker then a dog a week ago. Eyes hurt, head hurt, lungs hurt. Took an Excedrin Migraine. Felt like the hand of God had descended upon my poor beat up body and made it feel like it was 21 again.
Gee whiz and Clooney cut and ran selling his 13 million dollar Italian Estate cause he thought the muslims had Italy all locked up. He's probably one of the ones they had on the list to deport anyway.
It's called Google Image. Drop the image in there and google will pull up the matching photo with the skinny on its history
Was at a Shasta conference he was speaking at years ago, where his wife was verbally beating the shit out of him in between breaks because he was nailing some newager fawning over him the night before.
Can imagine how that can support a healthy exchange of idea's and elevate the peoples intelligence factor. Sounds like the blind leading the blind, or preaching to the choir. We have that now. How about just letting it fall under the lst amendment right of free speech. I mean it's already in our constitution folks.
I think you answered your own question there partner. The Globalist. Prolly has Soros embedded in layers of foundations originating and orchestrating the plot lines. AJ back up on himself so many times I'm surprise they don't have a bucket next to his mic
Wow … he's cute