The Dems. up to their Dirty Tricks again.
Always with the Dirty Tricks.
My estimated guess is that 1/3 to 1/2 of the women in the military are dykes, based on my having been in the military 40 years ago.
Probably more nowadays.
Not saying dykes can't do the job.
It just seems like the Military attracts dykes.
I don't care if they are dykes as long as they can do their job.
Who they fuck is none of my business and I don't want to know about it.
When I was in the military in the 1980s, it was pretty much the "don't ask, don't tell" era, and I personally thought that was genius.
Don't tell me who you are fucking and I won't ask. As long as it is consenting adults.
But now they want all of the advantages of being a "married couple" and that fucks things up.
The whole temple needs to be torn down.
No masks required on private jets though.
lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering.
Guess they forgot about those Ten Commandments.
As long as there are lawyers, someone will always be held accountable. Especially if those held accountable have a lot of money.
Trump says anons are better than Madison Avenue.
May 14th 2020 - 10:47:51 PM EST
Thank you to all of my great Keyboard Warriors. You are better, and far more brilliant, than anyone on Madison Avenue (Ad Agencies). There is nobody like you!
QAnon believer? What's a QAnon believer huffpost?
But he's Antifa pretending to be a Trump supporter anyways.
I wonder if he's Jewish?
A 'plea deal'
He ratted out all of his Antifa Comrades.
I wonder how long until he is "suicided"
Useful idiot.
In related news: Josiah Colt — who rappelled into the Senate chamber (which he thought was the House chamber) instead of just taking the stairs — is scheduled to take a plea deal tomorrow afternoon.
That is called Justice.
I would advise that you get on your knees right now and ask for God's mercy.
Accept Jesus as the Promised Messiah and as your Savior.
Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
God forgives a repentant sinner.
Satan had his chance a long time ago and he blew it.
No second chances for Satan.
We, on the other hand, have been given a Promised Messiah, Jesus, as a Savior.
I would imagine that makes Satan rather jealous of us.
Satan's goal is to drag us into hell with him.
Misery loves company.
>but he couldn't trick you eh?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
It is only by the Grace of God that we can be saved.
Repent and be baptized.