Is it Happening?
Want to find true Hebrews/Israelites?
There were two captivities of the Israelites. The first was the Assyrian captivity that took away the Northern Kingdom of Israel. They are the "lost ten tribes." And the Babylonian captivity of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. The Kingdom of Judah returned to Judea 70 years later. That, mixed with the Edomites from the south of Judea were the people of Judea in the time of Christ. The ones the Roman destroyed in 70 AD. To find the true Israelite remanent go to Babylon (Iran/Iraq) of Assyria (Syria, East and Northeast.) The Caucasus region may be named for the lost tribes who may have lived there for a time before moving northward into Europe and Russia. The clues are in the old testament of the bible. It is the written history of the Hebrews.
Keep and Bear means possession.
Olberkike does not keep or bear brains enough to tan his own hide.
What happened to the gold tassel on the gold fringed flag? What is the significance?
And don't feed me the buushit it doen't signify anything. Then why change it if isn't of significance?
>closed meetings
btw…who elected the "Election Assistance" Commission? And by 'election assistance' what exactly are they trying to say?
Welcome to the Jungle.
The Union fractured under his administration. When that happened the original Constitution became a broken contract. Now, take another look at what The US CONgress did in 1871. They changed the form of government because they had to. They covertly switched to a new form of government while overtly retining the old constitution.
Imagine getting slaves at a discount from Rebbi Finklestein in exchange for influence in policy making. What an exceptional goyim. No wonder they made Washington president.
They won't go door to door for the guns. You dipshits will turn them in like good goyim.
And if you plan on keeping them be aware they will put a really stiff penalty on you if you're caught with a firearm. That's the plan.
Once one of the original signitories to the constitution backed out of the contract it was broken. The rest of the state had no compeling reason to remain with a broken contract.
Ask yourself, why wasn't Jefferson Davis tried for treason? That's why they arrested him.
Because they couldn't. This would all have been exposed in court.
It does shine a new light on Jesus' saying, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." The house of Israel was the Northern Kingdom, the Lost Tribe, not the Southern Kingdom or Judah.
Because he was advised to pardon him because a trial would be a disaster. After South Carolina seceeded the other states were fully within their rights to also seceede since the original contract was broken.
The contract was broken.
From the mid 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century Russia excelled in the sciences.