TY next B.
Somehow I don't think there will be any /2 Notes from you unlike the PB that shall go nameless.
TY next B.
Somehow I don't think there will be any /2 Notes from you unlike the PB that shall go nameless.
>new baker requesting help weeding out the notables
Unless there are any obvious is obvious fuckery ones you're opening up a yuge slide with this.
Prolly best to just let it be at this point.
They're deleting/labeling everything in sight that doesn't fit the narrative.
Even the House Minority Leader isn't immune when he talks about rising inflation.
Max panic time indeed.
Might be the opposite.
The truth being spoken socially will bring them down quicker.
Thus, Shut It Down! being set to 11.
>Old Bloatables roundup
And current Baker is well within his rights to update the Dough with anywhere from 0 to all of them.
>>14124040 Prev B: 23fb41
>>14124080 Curr B: c7582c
Looks like a big Kitchen Fight taking place.
BV needs to do some QR Declas on this one as it's starting to look like shill vs shill.
Fuckin A bro ya got that right.
AOC's prolly the only one that could legit when her district.
They're pretty loonie lefty there.
kek totally worth it to trigger you like this
I don't hate the players I hate the system.
If Clown World is telling low skilled workers that sitting at home pays about the same…
Then I say it's nice to know they're at least smart enough to choose wisely.
kek you're still triggered about it - this turned out better than I could have even imagined
> we were pushing out last night!!!
Let's not get carried away.
Tucker was mentioning that today was going to be his GA Election coverage special since late last week.
I see the small/med size businesses struggling to find workers as being another piece in getting people to The Precipice.
Let's face it, many of them have the money/connections to make bigger stinks than Joe Six Pack does.
So, I see it as moar bad news is good news in the late stages of Clown World.
>I have noticed an uptick on folks that seem to make fun
Same here.
Lurkmode oldfags that left the battlefield and only check in to say how much better things were when they were here are cancer.
>Anon hardly ever turns on any MSM much any longer
Yeah, same here.
Tuck is the only thing on tv that I still watch regularly.
That's how I knew that.