Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 4:11 p.m. No.14124132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4266 >>4451 >>4466

>>14124048 (pb)

>They will be the first ones to fuck you over when ordered.

I do NOT back the blue. PERIOD. That's why I've had conversations with both my locals and the county sheriff asking them flat out what their policy is regarding protection of life and property in the event the niggers rampage. That's why I asked flat out if they're going full on commie to arrest parent who speak up against CRP at PUBLIC school-board meettings. I'm NOT being silent.


I've called my reps asking why they take donations from Blackrock financial hding that big pharma (Johnson & Johnson) is controlling them. I let them KNOW I know. Hell my local "christian" jesus fucker came out against Kratom with zero unkiked information because he's OWNED by J&J via blackrock.


Ya'll better stop sitting on your asses waiting for something to happen. If you don't start speaking up–enjoy your unvaxxed camps.


"that will never happen here"…yeah it will because you're too busy slurping down the hopium fed to you by the fake ass merchants of copium. Two more weeks….



:it will happen when the weather cools…that's when they'll make their move". This battle is FAR from won.


Bill Barr got away with executing Epstein….think about it. Things are going to keep getting more and more ridiculous and insanity is going to keep growing…and you're going to be sitting there…thinking..two more weeks…when THE KNOCK comes onYOUR door.


JAYSUS fucking H christ people…look at OZ and NZ..those fucking retards are just sitting there allowing themselves to be persecuted.


FUCK all..we've got people volunteering to run flights to SA with weapons and ammo..evacuate people..and you're like…two more weeks.


NO ONE is fucking waking up


Trump 2024….LOL are you idiots fucking insane? 2020 was our last "election"…but keep coping.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 4:14 p.m. No.14124145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4186 >>4264 >>4304



>>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 >Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.


No shit sherlock. I told you fuckers this last year. Btween these fuckers and the copium sellers like Juan(wayne) and Ward( beautifully exposed as MI6 child trafficker on M seeker of Truth jewtube channel)and alien cat fucker Simon parks and fake jewtube psychic Janine Tarot….. All they've done is serve to keep you on the edge of your seats hoping someone else will do something.


How many of you have spoken to your local PD about supporting corrupt school boards having parents who speak out against CRT arrested? How many of you are actively working against this shit and speaking up? FUCK all, even white flag France is marching against forced vaxx…greece marching…but Americans are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for someone else to do something.




He's got two interviews with Charlie Ward's son…and one human trafficking victim actually said in a live broadcast with Charlie that she recognized his voice….from a trafficking flight. Simon's mom was a spook…and why the fucking HELL do you think Charlie et al are still allowed on jewtube? The great London bird..fake af…Mel K….fake af…but retards believe them because they're selling to the weak minded NPCs of the right.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 4:22 p.m. No.14124186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4202 >>4219 >>4224 >>4230 >>4237


Again, Twatter is deleting every single tweet/video that is exposing niggers attacking/looting poss and letting endless tweets like picsrel stand.

American (((media))) is also LYING about the nigger rampage.


Niggers openly calling for attacks on Indians, on twatter….with zero repercussions…one video of niggers trying to climb into a Poo house and being shot one by one…deleted.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 4:45 p.m. No.14124341   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The Navy runs from China in open waters and openly states they are of no match.

Now that the US military is taking trannies and doing the surgeris for free…our military is 10/109 fucked. I realize 99% of you have zero idea what that entails but let's put it this way…when China attacks our military will be dilating. MTF tranny have to spend hours each day laying on their backs with a "dilator" dildo stuck up in them so their axe wound doesn't close… Fucking get some education about this. IF anything were going to cause me to disbelieve the "progressive takeover of the US military it's my knowing exactly what these mentally ill faggots have to go through post op. Your radio dude is a MTF tranny? well…sorry about your luck calling in air support…it's in it's tent with a dildo stuck up its axe wound. EVERY day for hours for the rest of their lives. picrel is the axe wound dilating.


SRSLY educate yourselves on this shit.


> William Wallace, from Braveheart, a Scottish

Odd that the White South Africans are calling for a William Wallace…guess who's coming to save them? Absofuckinglutely NO ONE.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 4:50 p.m. No.14124382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


niggers are not indigenous to south Africa. They're nigger invaders. Out of Africa is a fucking lie and when the truth about where these sub saharan niggers come from genetically….(and it's coming out) these SUBHUMAN "kangz" are going to be put in their place.


Not only were they never kangz they're literally the ":youngest" genetically and we really need to tell the space niggers that did this to the rest of us PAY.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 4:56 p.m. No.14124416   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Noticed that Dan's tweet is William Wallace, from Braveheart, a Scottish warrior, and he is talking about FREEDOM!

So–how did all that "freedom" work out for the Scots? Perhaps you might look at the current state of "freedom" in Scotland and revisit what happened to William Wallace to eek out the TRUE meaning of what Scavino is telling you.


Wonder what the modern version of drawing and quartering for freedom fighters is?


I don't think Scavino is saying what you retards think he is.


retards…dots not feathers. Everyone with half a brain hates niggers. Blacks hate niggers the most.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 5:08 p.m. No.14124482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4515 >>4551


> the Natives are in a position to take back both continents.



Wait until you find out that the "(((gatekeepers))) have been hiding the global WHITE civilization that was in place before the younger dryas. Mexicans and NAs are literally the last to arrive in North/South America.


All you need to do to figure this out is go to Praveen Mohan's channel and merely watch his Angor Wat videos…that should do it…but iof that's not enough trace historical genocides along with his videos…Cambodia (Jews..genocide) Vietnam, China, Russia, Armenia…and now they're trying to destroy India…everywhere they were there has been a genocide to wipe out any genetic traces of these people.


Mexicans…kek…yeah so scary. A few Spanish dudes wipe out their entire everything. The jew columbus knew where he was goiung and with what mission…seek out Amalek and destroy him wherever he may be.


Lrn2history. Inca/Aztec all built on TOP of ruins 250k and older. SRSLY get some education outside the borg.


ALL of this currently happening right now…is 10/10 linked to true history and suppressing knowledge…also…they're on the hunt for something…hence the WATER/SEA/SUBS…the placement of chink ports in the Bahamas the inerest in finger lakes…the collection of DNA by China…who worked overtime trying to hide the great white civilization in China LONG before some asshole alien invader invented slanty eyes..why they LIE about pre dynastic Egypt, why China hides their pyramids, why New Zsealand hands over pre Maori sites to the maori to destroy, why the US has so many "oiff limits" national parks…you've literally zero uidea how much proof there is of this in the US alone…try tofind ONE Adena DNA study (remants/survivors)….good luck. Try to find ONE study opf the advanced weaving of the Windover Bog and Spirit Cave won't because their weaving tech matches the weaving of the red headed people in China and was 1000k years ahead of anything the "native Americans" had.


Why did Brazil order the burying of ROMAN ship wrecks off their coast? Why are megalithic ruins hidden and called "settler fences"?


INFORMATION gatekeepers….


this ancient history is 100% linked to exactly what is happening now…the mysteries come together in the middle.

You think you're woke? Nah brah you sleep.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 5:14 p.m. No.14124516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4563 >>4581


Since when is the truth demoralization? Isn't the truth supposed to make you free? not blind faith?


BOTH the right and left nned a LOT of wakey wakey to happen.


"jesus is coming"

"aliens are coming"

"NESERA/GESERA is coming"

"someone is coming to save us".


NO ONE is coming to save you from your willful ignorance. There is more truth in Stargate SG-1 than in the entire "bible" which "christians" have yet to figure out…was a subversion of the message… keep control over them.It's worked beautifully.


Sorry about your luck. You've all been made fools of. The only one that will "save you" is you…and the truth.

Anonymous ID: c76616 July 14, 2021, 5:19 p.m. No.14124560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4599


>Vaccine damage seems to hit some folks harder than others.

Vaccine facts: people who take it for muh job…unwilling to make the sacrifice to life…people who take it to "virtue signal" samer…there's zero excuse for anyone to have taken this vaxx. NPCs take the vaxx…all the same information available to me to study on is available to everyone else. I will not feel sorry…not a bit when"muh vacation" or muh job people start dropping derad.. THEY made a choice. I've zero fucks to give to anyone that stupid.

Culling/purge..whatever you want to call it,it's clear Trump knows what it is…he is all for you getting your vaxx. And honestly as many NPCs on the right (probably outpaces the left (IMHO) will…definitely clean shit up.


We've been interfering in natural selection for too long and humanity as a whole has been harmed. Which is. of course, the plan.


You think Trump doesn't know that vaxx is poison? Stupid fucks. He's got a hard job to do doesn't he? Like anyone with half a brain he knows what's about to happen. Why do you think the entire west coast is being made uninhabitable?

