>>14124048 (pb)
>They will be the first ones to fuck you over when ordered.
I do NOT back the blue. PERIOD. That's why I've had conversations with both my locals and the county sheriff asking them flat out what their policy is regarding protection of life and property in the event the niggers rampage. That's why I asked flat out if they're going full on commie to arrest parent who speak up against CRP at PUBLIC school-board meettings. I'm NOT being silent.
I've called my reps asking why they take donations from Blackrock financial hding that big pharma (Johnson & Johnson) is controlling them. I let them KNOW I know. Hell my local "christian" jesus fucker came out against Kratom with zero unkiked information because he's OWNED by J&J via blackrock.
Ya'll better stop sitting on your asses waiting for something to happen. If you don't start speaking up–enjoy your unvaxxed camps.
"that will never happen here"…yeah it will because you're too busy slurping down the hopium fed to you by the fake ass merchants of copium. Two more weeks….
:it will happen when the weather cools…that's when they'll make their move". This battle is FAR from won.
Bill Barr got away with executing Epstein….think about it. Things are going to keep getting more and more ridiculous and insanity is going to keep growing…and you're going to be sitting there…thinking..two more weeks…when THE KNOCK comes onYOUR door.
JAYSUS fucking H christ people…look at OZ and NZ..those fucking retards are just sitting there allowing themselves to be persecuted.
FUCK all..we've got people volunteering to run flights to SA with weapons and ammo..evacuate people..and you're like…two more weeks.
NO ONE is fucking waking up
Trump 2024….LOL are you idiots fucking insane? 2020 was our last "election"…but keep coping.