Sadly, it is you that does not.
Let me break it down Barney Style, or is it (Telly-Tubby Style) for you?
Life is Conflict, and the utilization of available resources… War, Contention, Conflict, Struggle and Using Death in support of Stronger Life is Natural and Normal. Life is Pain, Pain allows one to know they are still in existence… Peace comes though understating just a fraction of a universe engulfed in this Utter Truth.
Even Our Mother's Milk was produced from the consumption of life, what substance was provided from something others death or enslavement? (Consider even dairy cows are Slaves, kept for their milk production). Plants and other animals end their existence as they sustain us, all Slaves even if only to forfeit their offspring; consuming seeds & grains are eating their decedents. Life Feeds Upon Life is a Fact, inalienable.
Those that pursue Peace wastes nothing, if at all possible, conservation is essential and foremost; a Life of Quality values the Quality of Life.
Ask yourself, what is Your Game, what is their Game, who are "They" and are They Playing the Same Game…
To have a Game, What Boundaries, Limitations, Capabilities or Rules are created by each Player to exist for each Individual Player?
Our Game Here is Research, nothing is more Deadly a Foe than the Truth.
We are truly the Real Spies, Information Conduits, Quantum Processors…
Playing the Game of HUMINT and the stakes are the culmination of our lives:
The Awaking and Freedom Restored, Our Nation's and Securing our (and All!) Children's futures; Saving and Awakening as many as best as possible.
No, or if forced, with an absolute minimum of violence if forced upon any of us Researching Here.
The Prize, The Goal: Freedom and Peaceful (as Possible!) Pursuit of Happiness, and Our Republic's Restoration.
It is the Path, The Journey and not the Destination that is Essential.