What would you want nudged, Ms. Vance?
Ah… that would be a considerably large nudge.
>Earth is flat
>1. it disrespects a guy who is well loved.
The anon making a dick of himself? I bet he's well loved, but I don't see what difference that makes.
>2. it makes the obvious parody* person supposed to be a . . . who is 'riding' the well loved person.
Now I'm confused. You're complaining that I'm making a parody of a jew?
Also, the jew Riding JFK is not a slight on JFK but the R-tards (kek) falling for the jew narrative.
>3. it perpetuates a known and chronic slide in the breads.
That we should make fun of anons claiming the earth to be flat? I don't see a problem perpetuating that slide…
>why would someone spend resources making such an image?
Idk… I didn't make it. I just saved it.
>we can speculate, but whatever we say we would be attacked by the same people* who fund the effort for low-grade crap-memes (cringe-graphics).
And your shield against criticism: "If they criticize my opinions, they're shills"
Kek. Nice try.
<Also learn to spell.
>Am I complaining?
>I'm describing.
Fair enough. But you were describing the reasons why the image I posted was bad right? That's complaining fren.
>if it's not cringe, then you didn't do your job.
Alright buddy. Good to see that you put your shield to good use now, even if I just exposed it.
"He's criticizing my opinions! He's a shill!"
<Note that I haven't accused you of being a shill. You might be, but I honestly don't care. It's a shill tactic to claim another anon a shill to shut them down…
>'nice try'? I got a bulls eye
How can you claim victory when I just exposed your blatant tactic?
>In my world you don't tred on the dead.
I don't care if you don't like it. That's the beauty of this place.
I don't see it as disrespect, you do. We're different. Don't like the smell in the bakery? Filter me.
>so you saying it's not cringe
You're the only one who've used that word. So I never said that.
I wouldn't be caught dead using that word. People might think I'm some pedo using kids language…
>you're a shill and your meme is not cringe, so you say. even though it is.
You're the only one talking about this. I haven't even mentioned it.
But keep up the delusions/bait, it's funny as fuck.
What do we have here? Id that an R-tard I see?
>is he wearing VR goggles on his head ?
This dude? It's obviously a regular headset.
There isn't even room for lenses, and why would he wear them so the hair would get the lenses dirty if there was room for them?
>Not very bright of him, huh?
Your words, not mine.
Though I do think that if he'd just taken another look then he wouldn't have had to ask. Kek
>Are people really still holding to ‘the old fertilizer blew up’ line?
It was totally an accident anon.
Why would they lie?