if it takes 6-10 to attempt to wake someone up, they're not asleep, they're fucking dead
6-10 years*
it'd make sense since most of the heavy programming was done during the vietnam era but shit, at some point the bandaid just needs to be ripped off and the let the flood flow
the best thing to do is tickle their feet, nobody can beat that test
you fucking faggots do this shit every fucking time whatever current so-called "habbening" is taking place at any given time
anons have never stopped JQ-pilling and never will, faggot
there's such a thing called multi-tasking
not every anon is a one-track-mind, below room temp IQ, who can't focus on multiple things
jews descend from a group of just 350 "people"
i've already floated that theory before
and another one of maybe they're all spawns of satan
since God cast satan from heaven, along with his angels, to produce offspring with humans resulting in the nephilim
that would be a depth that would be pretty unrealistic and someone once said the deeper you go the more unrealistic it all becomes so..
saturn this saturn that
blackcube whatever the fuck, i don't give a shit about the fucking esoteric or deeper meaning to shit, nigger
kikes are evil, simple as
kindly kiss my fucking ass then fuck off and take your rabbit holes with you
fucking mossad bots