Mirror to the ambassador losing another submarine scene -
Hunt for Red October
codified – stolen elections = hr1
heaerd all of India was conducting on site election dating with all the hot ladies they could monitor yreal time
biden double speaking in dementia
if someone is in dementia - does it matter wut you say - its SATANISM
wish biden would address the lack of "i love lucy - reruns"
can he guarantee that??
bidens irs mechanism is eerily similar to his vaccine initiatives
German hottie has way moar BALLS than any of the US pinkies luving on thar lies and deceptions
hbiden isHOThe's awesome
someone asks i he prefers parm hunter or nat
he sho knows how to exit stageLEFT
first they kill the vulnerable ( nursine home killers ) then they go for general population
mena redo ove rmean
30pence silver psucks hunter parma