The messages sent to us aren't difficult to decipher, especially after a little time spent going through them. I am one of the people fortunate enough to have found out the full picture before all of this. You have been given the full picture. You have to do a little digging but it is all there I assure you. So if you are waiting on the Q team to say something that makes you a believer that means you just havent researched the crumbs they have left for you yet. Please stop asking so many questions until you have reviewed the Q posts in their entirety. Like I said the truth is there, they even elude to some of the worst of it. The rest will be found out in your research. When you read about it you will understand that it is something that needed to be learned for ones self. Many of the acts are unspeakable. Stop waiting for the perfect chart or diagram, the information has been dropped for you already, research. Stop with the questions, the clues can be answered by yourself. Most people don't believe the truth when we break it down anyway. You really need to do for yourself and see in it's totality. Your trash talking doesn't effect us, anyone who has done their own research on this knows what's up and aren't going anywhere. If you have questions, the full picture is here. Quit asking us to chew it up and spit it in your mouth like a simp. It's info you need to see for yourself anyway. This is not the night to catch people up, lurk and read.