Anonymous ID: c65101 May 14, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.1414163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1410000 (previous)

Look at the politics. I spend my childhood and early adulthood looking at weirdos like Shimon Peres and I could never understand what Israel wanted. I felt no connection to that stuff. I figured they must just like fighting and turmoil over there, augmented by the weird language like "partners for peace" that were fighting all the time. Just weird.


Now there's a clear motivation, and I can understand it. They want their country, they want the hostile people who aren't like them out. I can get behind that.


It's a generational change. Someone like Peres would never act like Netanyahu, nor vice versa. Peres was Israeli deep state. You can just tell the leadership is different now.