Anonymous ID: ee50be May 14, 2018, 7:58 p.m. No.1414009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1413987 no.


Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 21:39:50 b34484 No.1412850>>1412857 >>1412866

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Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 21:40:59 5d6ff0 No.1412866>>1413056



muh paypal account

muh patreon

muh support me

someone should let roseanne know she is promoting a paytriot


Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 21:57:12 6d88a4 No.1413056>>1413071 >>1413074 >>1413119 >>1413137


So if she talks about Q on her show,

is she a "paytriot"?


Anonymous 05/14/18 (Mon) 22:01:07 c57186 No.1413137>>1413374


I don't think it would be fair to say that a journalist can't make money when covering Q. But that's the difference. A journalist covering Q isn't necessarily usurping Q. The paytriots in question were trying to usurp Q. This video explains what happened very well. It certainly cleared my head about it all.


Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/14/18 (Mon) 22:18:27 1ab4eb No.1413374
