remember, if you post Ms.Information you can be (in their fantasy world where they are the evil overlords and in control FOREVER) banned from all media.
you posted Ms.Information in Mirror form!
the award for over bearing and wrong headed scary rhetoric of a fowl nature goes to . . .
the winner of the Ms.Information pageant . . .
the white house spokes parrot/puppet . . .
henna haired . . .
Ms.Information officer, head of White House Ms.Communications . . .
(with the rachel green 30 year old (way way old ) hair style . . . )
the never yielding, always distasteful queen of the lies and subterfuge . . .
and she says if you post Ms.Information thou shalt be banned, and you MAY be a murderer (in her world).
well, she murders the integrity of the office of the President of the United States of America, so she knows all about killing things.
end of Ms.Marxist pageant winner troubling dream sequence parody sequence discription (so it's not misinforming)