No fucking way in hell that PedoJoe used "fervent" in a sentence.
Come on, man! Get your copywriters on board, Joe!
No fucking way in hell that PedoJoe used "fervent" in a sentence.
Come on, man! Get your copywriters on board, Joe!
Too bad we don't have like.. one of those people who like.. report on high-level corruption to maybe write a story about this.
What are they called again?
Oh, that's right.
Investigative journalists.
DNS fuckery,
I get that even on Dissenter sometimes but it goes away after a few seconds if you refresh.
Some anon did a dig on this and the servers - but I didn't follow most of it.
His entire political career is one long string of 'Look at my new friend! Isn't he great?'
Then we all go look at said new friend and dig up all the dirt. And because this person was POTUS's new friend, the DS MSM HATED them and let all the dirt out.
Then new friend is disgraced and resigns.
career over.
Cue the book deal.
So I don't trust anyone.
All 50 states.