Anonymous ID: 6ac58f May 14, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.1415101   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yea that's definitely true. CPS gets paid to remove kids and bonuses when they are diagnosed with anger issues n depression n even more when they get adopted. They fabricate on their reports when they take good parents to court n have everyone lie on the stand. They been setting people up to remove kids for decades. It been called legal kidnapping. CPS needs to be investigated in every state they remove kids and hand them to pedos n dangerous people n the ones that actually need help n need to be placed with good people cps ignores it! Clearly they don't do background checks. and their training is like 2 or 3 months n taught to go to the kids school n ask leading questions to build a case against good parents for money. Something needs to be done STAT!. Former CPS worker carlos Morales blows the whistle on his experience when working for them in his state. They're just as corrupt! And the agencies need to he cleaned out as well! Just saying