holy shit you actually posted on 1776 littttt
no its not a coincidence anon cabal contingency plan incoming go to google news science section notice anything odd ? multi dimensional aliens. asteroid passing by tommorow very weird stuff
this is probly a waste of bread to post but so funny how mass "baker girls" posts came right after q posted the reverse killbox sessions
is it just me or does he kinda look like obama ?
its on youtube
yeah thats weird. royals tend to interbreed. and obama and bush and many other leaders are "distant cousins' i think there might be something more here
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/police-officer-shot-bronx-suspect-custody-article-1.3301718 is this one ?
In a statement, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Familia was "murdered in a cowardly, unprovoked attack," and he alluded to other recent ambush-style attacks on police such as those in Dallas and Iowa.
oh i meant to reply to the guy asking how to download the audio of ep my bad